
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”  〰 YOKO ONO

Where witches gather

Coven is an online community that strengthens your personal relationship with tarot (and with life). It takes the form of a monthly membership structured (loosely) around the cycles of the moon. It’s lit.

If you own a tarot deck and want to deepen your bond with it, come thru. This membership is suited to those of you who are sick of going at it alone and ready to be uplifted by fellow tarot-lovers. You’ll join a kind and sparkly crew and enter a rich, co-creative digital space. Let’s share the load of living, find meaning in the cards, have a laugh, and transform together.

Coven doors stay open all-year. Come & try your first month - there’s no lock-in contract. Whatcha waiting for?

On the new moon you receive a video lesson; on the full moon we meet on zoom for a live community call. This rhythm fosters a commitment to your own personal study and provides the accountability, intentionality and un-matched support of gathering in circle.

Each month’s lesson focuses on a different tarot card, exploring its associations across art, history, pop culture, astrology, style, and witchcraft. In 2024 we focus on working with collective and personal cards as allies. We’ll also celebrate the solstices and equinoxes, and learn the three lines of the major arcana.

In our community calls we ground the themes of the tarot in the body through simple meditation and ritual. There is space to journal and talk about our personal experiences with each card. People ask questions, swap field notes, set intentions, and debrief. We also share tarot gossip and cute pics of our animal familiars on the group chat (aka private Discord server).

calendar imagery by zodiac film club

What witches say

Y tho??

Glad you asked:


Seasonal Sisters

Coven began in 2020 as a digital refuge for tarot-lovers. My core intention is to link southern hemisphere witches up with each other, so they can integrate tarot into their lives with the support of a specific, fabulous community.

Study, But Fun

Tarot teaches us to hold multiple truths at once. In Coven we engage with a range of perspectives to help expand our tarot vocabularies over time. Lessons are infused with visual references, lols and pop-culch recs galore.

The Magic Mundane

Learning as a group makes the practice of applying tarot to life (and vice versa) waay deeper, funner, and more relevant. Tarot is a tool for living. Real, messy, boring, miraculous living. I love it when we remember we’re in this shit together.


Coven doors are open!

  • ✸ Need accountability to show up for your self or spiritual/creative practice

    ✸ Find tarot to be a healing / beautiful / illuminating / mysterious / cool tool

    ✸ Want to integrate tarot into your life in an ongoing, sustainable, fun way

    ✸ Crave connection with the seasons, solar and lunar cycles, and like-minds

    ✸ Experience fear, doubt, avoidance, and overthinking in your tarot practice

    ✸ Live in the southern hemisphere and want something specifically *ours*

  • All that’s required to join is an interest in tarot, some light familiarity with the cards (this does not mean you need to know them by heart), a desire to learn in community, and your own tarot deck. If you need to buy one (no, you don’t have to be gifted one) I recommend Kinokuniya or Tarot Stack.

  • Occult-study-group-of-your-dreams-meets-slumber-party.

  • $69 /month or $17 /week

    (no lock-in contract)